Business in Jamaica – ASSUME NOTHING!!!!! This is not business as usual…

Do/create the opposite of the below mentioned and you’ll be a business success phenomenon in Jamaica:-  (Will keep updating this…)

1) Receipts are not automatic…ASK FOR & IF NECESSARY CONNIVE FOR THEM…ie at a gas station the attendant can’t bother go and get the receipt book…tell her the boss will cut off your allowance if you don’t give him the receipt…these people respond to and empathise with being marshalled by a boss

2) You will find fewer attendants at the counter at lunch hour rather than the more needed to accommodate the vast public also doing their business in their lunch break

3) Your employees will steal … especially your professional fees, household and food items, phone calls & cell phones

4) You are unlikely to be able to buy, find or count on what is advertised.

5) The customer is NOT always right…you are likely being ‘done a favour’ by your provider

6) Meetings never start on time

7) Jamaicans do not make short speeches, even when asked…they respond fairly well to bells at conferences though.

8) Most of middle management is female

9) If you find it once, don’t expect to find it again or have it re-ordered (except at Stewart’s Auto), supply and demand is not a big concept here. Eg all canteens will be out of perishables by 2, even if it the main sale item and the place is open til 5.

10) Professional standards are not a big deal here ….sometimes not even a deal…as talented cobblers and downright charlatans work happily alongside licensed professionals often with impunity in the tradesman fraternity.

11) If you have a query or are looking for something always ask 3 people in the same company and rely on 3 different answers…then decide the answer for yourself…commercial banks especially!!!

12) Dormant and unclaimed money is not facilitated back to rightful claimants, you must ‘make a federal case’ to get it.

13) The Jamaican Govt. is the greatest waster of resources on earth…monitor any assistance you give it tightly

14) Jamaican small business is genius at recycling…so good it steals to recycle.  Honest recycling is a gaping niche and potential gold mine in Jamaica.

15) Returning a sold item in Jamaica is not a concept …you will be lucky to get an exchange..expect this in more upscale shops but not necessarily

16) In a Jamaican office you should be able to get service or the phone answered between 10 and 3, before or after that is pushing it. Don’t ever rely on posted work/opening hours.

17) Ensure electrical and computer back up and surge protection or you will lose your business

18) Small businesses often do not have electrical or water backup…your business with them may be affected…bank on a hurricane season and concomitant disruptions

19) Car values only appreciate in Jamaica unlike the rest of the known world

20) Women run the entire show but the men are invariably deferred to.

21) Jamaicans don’t read, but are very visually oriented

22) More than most populations, Jamaicans need to be stars, they are not natural team animals…pack yes, team no.

23) The difference between SERVICE & SERVITUDE is not well understood by Jamaicans in Jamaica, they learn it when they go abroad.

24) Freeness and food are massive motivators of Jamaicans

25) At a business interview expect to be asked who your father is..

26) Consumer recourse is a difficult concept in Jamaica, but there exist several fair trade policing entities, one of the oldest the Consumers’ League was very helpful to me…you must ‘keep at it’ & stand your ground.

27) Jamaica is just realising the untapped value of its global diaspora – equal to the internal population or larger – (click the blue link below photo)

the Jamaica Diaspora Conference 2013

The Jamaica Diaspora Conference 2013.

28) The English language is no longer easily used in the Jamaican office setting as our education system has fallen into disrepair…

“Miss, where shall I go?”

“In de Hyti Room”

“Where is that Miss?”

“Me seh de Hyti Room!”

“Miss, I don’t understand.”


28)  When disagreeing with or reprimanding the Jamaican man-in-the -street, stand your ground, look him in the eye, don’t raise or voice, use no bad words, speak good English if you can and start your sentence with “With all due respect…”   Magic…like finding the Holy Grail…  Jamaicans have an underlying fear and horror of being disrespected…

29)  LIME Telephone service directory assistance is not integrated….they told you they don’t have a listing?  Well, phone back …the next operator often taps a separate system and voila…listing appears… you’ll never know till you try…they sure don’t tell you

30)  You have works listed with the Jamaica Copyright Licensing Agency JAMCOPY?  Hm, watch what your royalties are at year end…they sometime just omit to credit you for one genre of writing or another…..MAKE THEM CHECK AND TELL YOU WHAT THEY’VE GOT LISTED FOR YOU….!!!!


Let’s ramp up Jamaican production and invent and patent stuff.   Jamaica Intellectual Properties Office will help you register your patent & this organisation will help you fund the start up if they think your idea is worth it!

I thought this organisation might interest you all…

they review money making Jamaican patent projects and give grants of about US$30,000:

Tameka Dunbar
Administrative, Procurement and Visibility Officer
The Competitiveness Company Limited
59 Hope Road,Kingston 6, Jamaica W.I
Tel: (876) 927-8981 or (876) 978-7481

Happy entrepreneuring!









Thank You for Visiting OnlineCounsellingJamaica! Gratitude is Viral…..

If you want proof that gratitude and good will is viral, look no further than Silicon Valley.  Below is a Facebook stat showing the reach of  some of my posts and their ‘virality’ (nearly died of laughter when I saw this word! :)) Anyway, the point is, anytime I’ve said ‘thank you’ to a ‘Liker’,  given kudos or something away, ‘reach’ and ‘virality’ stats have shot up….& I’m happy to see a really relevant condom ad was the only exception ROAR :)!!!

So…take gratitude and ‘thank you’ with you everywhere and know that the web is like money, neither good nor bad, but if you spread ‘thanks’ on it….it’s all good.  Therefore acknowledge, compliment and thank…you know …all the old Dale Carnegie stuff…it’s all part of the Law of Attraction.

So thank you for visiting




Gratitude & Thanks are viral ….According to the Laws of Attraction & even Facebook

Dengue ….from the Caribbean to Europe

Dengue can be quite mild to really vicious…i.e., kill you or leave you weak for months.  I had it  for a week once and mercifully, at the the time, was drinking guinea hen weed tea (anamu) which really cuts things short but, Lord, the bone pain, man….ouch.   It affects hundreds of people everywhere and I now hear it’s plaguing even some parts of France in summer so I thought this might be informative for summer travellers.  From the horse’s mouth, not websites of people who don’t deal with it ‘on the ground’:




Telephone Nos. 876-967-1100 / 1110 ext. 2236 / 2240   Telefax No. 876-967-0997  e-mail:



     December 2010 – Revision 1


Dengue is the most prevalent mosquito-borne viral disease, with an estimated 50 million infections occurring annually throughout the world. Dengue affects all age groups with a spectrum of clinical presentations from an asymptomatic, mild viral syndrome to severe disease characterized by haemorrhage and shock. Case fatality rates vary from 1% to 5%, but can be less than 1% if appropriate treatment is instituted. There are four (4) different dengue viruses, DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4, of the genus Flavivirus. There is only transient and weak cross-protection among the four serotypes, so an exposed individual may acquire dengue virus infection up to four (4) times during their lifetime. The risk of severe disease increases with subsequent infection from a different dengue serotype rather than primary dengue infection.


Clinical Presentation

Classical Dengue Fever

Symptoms typically develop between 4 to 10 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito; the incubation period may range between 3 to 14 days. Classical dengue fever is a febrile illness accompanied by headache, retro-orbital pain, myalgia (sometimes severe) and athralgia. Fever typically lasts for 5 to 7 days. Affected individuals may display a biphasic/saddleback fever curve, with the second febrile phase lasting 1 to 2 days. Other symptoms include skin rash, gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea or vomiting and diarrhea, respiratory tract symptoms including cough, sore throat and nasal congestion. Hemorrhagic manifestations due occur and may be life-threatening.

The physical examination is generally nonspecific. Conjunctival injection, pharyngeal erythema, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly and a macular or maculopapular skin rash may be seen.


Laboratory findings typical of dengue fever include the following:

  • Leukopenia
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Elevated serum aspartate transaminase (AST) levels

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a serious manifestation of dengue virus infection and can be associated with circulatory failure, shock and multi-organ dysfunction. The four (4) features of DHF, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), include:

  • Increased vascular permeability as evidenced by hemoconcentration, ≥ 20% rise in hematocrit above baseline value, pleural effusion and/ or ascites. Typically described as plasma leakage syndrome.
    • Marked thrombocytopenia (<100,000 cells/mm3).
    • Fever lasting 2 to 7 days.
    • A hemorrhagic tendency as demonstrated by a positive tourniquet test or spontaneous        bleeding.

Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) occurs when shock is present along with these four criteria.

Hemorrhagic manifestations — Spontaneous petechiae or ecchymoses are typically seen. Other manifestations include haematemesis, metrorrhagia, melena and epistaxis.

Microvascular fragility may be demonstrated by a positive tourniquet test. The test is performed by inflating a blood pressure cuff on the arm, midway between systolic and diastolic blood pressures for 5 minutes. The skin below the cuff is examined for petechiae, and a finding of ≥20 petechiae in a one square inch area is considered positive.

Other uncommon syndromes may occur and include:

  • Liver failure
  • Encephalopathy, encephalitis, seizures, acute motor weakness, Reye syndrome, mononeuropathies, polyneuropathies, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and transverse myelitis
  • Myocarditis



A.     DENGUE FEVER is defined as an acute febrile illness with two (2) or more of the following symptoms:


v     Headache

v     Myalgia

v     Arthralgia

v     Retro-orbital pain

v     Maculopapular  rash

v     Gastro-intestinal disturbances

v     Skin haemorrhages ( with a positive tourniquet test and /or petechiae )


B.     DENGUE HAEMORRHAGIC FEVER is defined when all of the following four criteria are present:


v     Fever or recent history of acute fever

v     Haemorrhagic tendencies, as evidenced by at least one of the following:-

§     Positive tourniquet test

§     Petechiae

§     Ecchymoses or purpura

§     Bleeding from mucosae, gastro-intestinal tract, injection sites etc.

(Gastro-intestinal bleeding may present with epigastric or right hypochondrial tenderness)

v     Thrombocytopenia (≤ 100,000/mm3).

v     Plasma leakage due to increased capillary permeability as manifested by at least one of the following:-

§     A haematocrit  ≥20% above the norm on presentation

§     A drop of  ≥20% in the haematocrit following treatment

§     Pleural effusion, ascites or hypoproteinemia


C.     DENGUE SHOCK SYNDROME is defined similarly to Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever,  but with evidence of circulatory failure manifested by all of the following :


§     rapid and weak pulse

§     narrow pulse pressure ( < 20 mm Hg ) or hypertension

§     cold, clammy skin and altered mental status



The World Health Organization (WHO) previously classified symptomatic dengue virus infections into three categories: undifferentiated fever, classic dengue fever, and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). These categories have caused controversy in the past, so the WHO has adopted a revised classification of Dengue and Severe Dengue, where Severe Dengue is designated to those who demonstrate severe plasma leakage, severe haemorrhage or severe organ impairment (defined as AST or ALT ≥1000, impaired consciousness, or severe involvement of the heart or other organs).

The revised classification also further divides Non-severe dengue into Dengue with or without warning signs (abdominal pain or tenderness, persistent vomiting, clinical fluid accumulation, mucosal bleeding, lethargy or restlessness, liver enlargement >2 cm, or increase in haematocrit concurrent with rapid decrease in platelet count).


Suggested Dengue Case Classification and Levels of Severity


Adpated from WHO, 2009






Supportive treatment is available for the specific disease manifestations of dengue virus infection. Decreasing dengue morbidity and mortality requires an organized process of early recognition, management and referral. The majority of patients will recover without hospital admission.  It is however important to identify those with risk factors for severe disease and institute treatment measures promptly.



Stepwise Approach to The Management of Dengue

Step 1


This should include:

  • Date of onset of fever
  • Quantity of oral intake
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Assessment for warning signs
  • Change in mental status/seizures
  • Urine output (frequency, volume, time of last voiding)
  • Family or community dengue, travel to dengue endemic areas
  • Co-existing conditions – pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease

Physical Examination

This should include:

  • Assessment of mental status
  • Assessment of hydration status
  • Haemodynamic status
  • Assessing for pleural effusion
  • Assessing for abdominal pain, ascites, hepatomegaly
  • Assessing for rash, bleeding manifestations
  • Tourniquet test


  • Complete blood count (CBC)
  • Serum electrolytes, urea and creatinine
  • Glucose
  • Liver function test
  • Dengue serology
  • Other tests that may be considered include cardiac enzymes, ECG



Step 2

Diagnosis, assessment of disease phase and severity

The history, physical examination and CBC with haematocrit should assist the clinician in determining the phase of dengue (febrile, critical or recovery), whether there are warning signs and the need for hospital admission.

The Course of Dengue Illness





Adapted from WHO, 2009


Depending on the clinical manifestations, patients may be sent home, referred for hospital management or referred for emergency management.  All cases of suspected, probable and confirmed cases should be notified promptly to the Public Health Department.

Ambulatory patients

Patients who are sent home should be able to tolerate oral fluids, urinate at least once every six hours, and not have warning signs. Ambulatory patients should be reviewed daily for disease progression (CBC, warning signs and defervescence). Health care providers should document temperature pattern, volume of oral fluid intake, urine output, signs of plasma leakage and bleeding, the haematocrit, WBC and platelet counts.


Those with stable signs and CBC may continue to be managed as out-patients.  Paracetamol may be used for fever and myalgias. Aspirin, ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS) should not be used due to the risk of bleeding complications and aspirin in children has been associated with Reye’s syndrome. Care givers should be instructed to take patient to hospital immediately, if there is deterioration around the time of defervescence, such as persistent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, cold and clammy extremities, lethargy or restlessness, bleeding and oliguria.


In-Patient Management

  • Patients with warning signs, those in at risk age-groups such as infants and the elderly and those with co-existing conditions that may make the management of dengue complicated such as diabetes mellitus, haemolytic diseases and cardiovascular disease should be admitted to hospital.
  • It is important to determine the haematocrit prior to commencing fluid therapy. Give isotonic fluids such as 0.9% Normal Saline or Ringer’s Lactate.
  • Start with 5-7 mls / kg / hour for 1-2 hours, then reduce to 3-5 mls / kg / hour for 2-4 hours and then reduce to 2-3mls / kg / hour.
  • Reassess the clinical status and repeat the hematocrit.
  • If the haematocrit remains the same or is minimally increased, continue with the infusion rate at 2-3 mls / kg / hour for 2-4 hours.
  • If vital signs worsen and the haematocrit rises, increase the rate to 5-10 mls / kg / hr for 1-2 hours.
  • Reassess the clinical status along with the haematocrit and review intravenous fluid rate accordingly.
  • Maintain a urine output ≥ 0.5 mls / kg / hour.
  • Intravenous fluids may be required for 24-48 hours.

Emergency treatment

Patients require emergency treatment and referral to a critical care centre when they are in the critical phase of disease, that is:

  • Severe plasma leakage leading to shock and/or fluid accumulation with respiratory distress.
  • Severe haemorrhage.
  • Severe organ impairment (liver failure, renal failure, cardiomyopathy, encephalopathy or encephalitis.


Treatment of Shock





Treatment of Haemorrhagic Complications

Blood transfusion should be given to patients with significant bleeding (gastrointestinal bleeding, metrorrhagia or menorrhagia).  Haematocrit measurements should be interpreted cautiously, since it also assesses the adequacy of fluid repletion. Platelet transfusions should be given to patients with severe thrombocytopenia (<10,000/mm3) and active bleeding.


Other Potential Diagnoses

It is important to exclude other treatable diseases mimicking Dengue virus infection such as Malaria, Typhoid fever, Influenza and Leptospirosis.



1.     WHO. Dengue: Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control- New Edition. World Health Organization, Geneva 2009.

2.     Kroeger, A, Nathan, M, Hombach, J. Dengue. Nat Rev Microbiol 2004; 2:360.

3.     Teixeira, MG, Barreto, ML. Diagnosis and Management of Dengue. BMJ 2009; 339:b4338.


–     MOH, Jamaica – December 2010 – Rev 1.



The New Breed of Resistant Ectoparasites

Want get rid of resistant scabies, burrowing fleas, lice and the like on yourself and pets…..

if you have time a hot soak with only your face sticking out of the bath water with 10 drops of clove, Olbas, eucalytous, tea tree, lavender &/or frankincense oils added, (make sure there are 20 drops total of any of the above, stronger if you can stand it) 1/2 hour then bathe with Canadian Orange Force biodegradable ‘everything cleaning substance’, (feel free to mix it with sulphur powder till a tiny precipitate seen and your own fresh urine for the ammonia factor which is lethal to mites) and spray yourself with original recipe Listerine…  If no time just shower and shampoo with Orange Force and spray on listerine afterwords.  You can then use Avon Skin So Sof, BioOil or a mix of virgin coconut and lavendar oils if you’re accustomed to moisturising after bath (optional but sulphur can be drying) and do use black castor oil to condition your hair because it makes hair grow AND kills mites (don’t be afraid of the 10 mins or so of itching scalp while the mites are being killed) guaranteed dead ducks provided you get rid of offending fomites and wash everything after one use/wear and UV/boil (like bras) them for a while.  Bras will be destroyed so buy cheap ones while treating.

Why does this work?  The oils for the bath drive the critters out of your pores and the tea tree kills em…  Orange Force is lethal to them because of of it’s gentle-to-you sulphonation.  Listerine’s recipe is lethal to them and as you know Skin So Sof is a famous critter killer….  Welcome back to normalcy…depending on length/degree of affectation…1 week to a year for cure.   (Add ivomectin if you feel suicidal…)

Ballroom Dance – the Male Headspace Game Changer

Ballroom Dance for All

I went to a Christmas afternoon do of the kind my mother used to tell me about –  a basket, ballroom dance party…probably one of the best fetes I’ll go to for the Season…courtesy of the Port Antonio amateur ballroom dance group led by a former Arthur Murray instructor.  Knock out, drop dead pool terrace venue overlooking the Rio Grande (Jamaica) Valley.  All sectors of society present, including the more unusual and happily becoming more usual social cross section.

So let me tell you the value of ballroom dance in changing headspace…one member is female, a tiny, fit, 61 yr old new entrepreneur who has just left a soul killing 22 yr relationship…she now has what the Spanish call and absolute RABIA (route word ‘rabies’ :)) for her newly learned dance skills.  Three males are young men from humble beginnings, trained in IT and out of work for now.  The little lady decided she’d found a way to keep them out of trouble…AND HOW…  To see these boys now is awe inspiring…we still have to work a bit on dress and grooming to acquire the polish of the ballroom but the head space and skill is there!  This is a good, solid intermediate group of lads who can look a dance partner squarely in her Tango eye and lead her.  They see themselves as male, accomplished and leaders…oh happy day…the key ingredients to the healthy male psyche.  Check out the younger men, older women pairing…nothing to it and they call her Auntie, but ‘it don’t look like no Auntie/Nephew business’ when we cut the rug, I can tell you.  There is a healthy element of fantasy that translates –  switces the headspace into believing you can be and do more, be bigger than you are…and we, tangoed, waltzed, merengued, jived, congaed and socaed!!!

I kind of dropped into the party by accident because of my mile long reputation of having a rabia for dance in general and my experience of it.  Weeeellllllll…there stood I on the fringes of the dance floor when one of these lads spotted me and raised the traditional macho ‘come here’ hand beckon.  I looked at him out of one eye and asked who he thought he was and admonished him to note that ballroom dance required manners and etiquette…he swept me into the circle and informed me the Tango was a man’s dance…I raised my eyebrows in amused disbelief and warned the lad not to ‘fly past his nest’.  It is a rare thing to see Jamaican marginalised males ‘step up’.   This little phrase and movie title is really what dance is all about for men.  It is a legitimate way to elegantly lead the female sex without threat to her modern ego and absolutely play to her biologically programmed wish to be led by a man.  It is ‘safe sex’ allowing not just physical but the more erotic mental interaction many women crave and to which few men pay attention.

The men who vociferously poopoo ballroom dance are the same ones who become intensely jealous of those who want to dance with their women…dance is inherently sexual and we all know it consciously or unconsciously…the more comfortable you are with sexual identity the more easily you ballroom dance.  Jamaicans’ history with ballroom dance is an exact metaphor for our sense of self, especially our men…we were avid dance partners till the late 60’s/early 70’s…now that skill has disappeared…we are fractured mentally…and though it used not to be, homosexuality is a new terror to us as well…all part and parcel.

So my advice is, if you want to improve your mental and physical health…find a ballroom dance groups.  It:

Is great exercise, re calories and improving coordination (grace, Usain is graceful is he not?!)

Usually ends up getting you to clean up and be nice to be near (grooming)

Is safe sex

Teaches men they can lead by guidance and not force

Creates a safe environment in which women enjoy being led

Gives the brain new learning work

Opens up your social circle, etc., etc.

Don’t just go and jump into any and every group, find a style and group that matches your personality like you would find a friend, doctor, etc., etc.  One size never fits all so go watch a few sessions of groups you’re considering joining FOR FUN…

Are they laughing and chatting and getting on together?

Are they happily bumbling through mistakes?

Is everybody equal and treated with respect?

Is it a level you can manager?

Is everybody HAVING FUN?

Don’t make the mistake of taking on sessions in a studio oriented to pros if just plain old fun is your aim…the atmosphere in these venues is RADICALLY different.  So get out there and shake a leg…!!!  Long live The Dance…!  If the world does end, I’ll die happy doing it :)!!!

(Of course that cap would have to come off as we progress :))


The Shift – some personal stories of transition

I have understood that the western horoscope birth chart is real – a  blueprint, but Vedic & Chinese charts are more accurate even.  Day to day western horoscopes have yet to convince me.  There’s a catch to using the western birth chart.   If you know the negatives predicted by them, in my experience, they can implant and self-fulfill.  Don’t seek the chart, if a skilled and trusted practitioner should tell you (s)he can help you, ask for your positives only and let him/her work to help you with the negatives such that you don’t know what they are but are being helped anyway, via prayer or life advice.

Re the practitioner him/herself, (s)he gets caught, it’s almost too much knowledge …in the sense of don’t touch the tree of knowledge… every single GREAT western practitioner has had SERIOUS Achilles’ heels…Jung, Goodman, Hippocrates, you name them…so I am finished with my personal quest with it and sealed or burned the findings and now look to ‘the Force’ of the Universe only …to me…God.

Two weeks after an unusual sequence of events I got a feeling I should go out into the demi moonlight and sit on my favourite garden wall.  I looked up and, dead overhead, my sign and rising planet in conjunction, and I knew two things, a) it would be just about midnight 2) the heavenly body and constellation ‘were crossing something’…I checked it all out later and was right, at midnight, Dec 2/3 the rising planet crossed the ecliptic (?).  I checked astronomically, not astrologically…I have chosen never to know if this event/transit has a meaning…

When I had looked up, I was called to say the Our Father and meditate.  It was one of my two most ‘shiftingly’ powerful meditations…water, not light, poured down into my chakra system, and much as I asked where the light was, none came, the water kept pouring…and my Guardian Angel (yep, ‘he’ has a name which I don’t write) rose up to monstrous size behind me, not frightening, the vision was given to me in dimensions that weren’t fearsome.  He was there ‘to get my back while the cleansing occurred’…apparently being cleaned spiritually also leaves you ‘naked’ a while…  I have since meditated a few more times and my last meditation was a breakthrough…I saw my electric blue dot for the first time in roughly 10 years.

On a more physical note…I wonder if we have understood the literal meaning of the planetary ‘line up’ correctly….Look at coordinates 78:18 about 3.30pm Dec 22 (what’s a day when you’re calculating millenia, remember the Mayans had to make up the solar cycle the way we use a leap year :)) 2012….the heavenly bodies look virtually stitched into a perfect swath on the ecliptic…is this a coincidence?  See it below…

I wish you an awakening at ‘the Shift’…the Mayan calendar marks it and so does the Chinese according to which latter, we are at the end of the longest ‘out of synch’ calendar cycle that Chinese time measurement can register…it’s a 60 year cycle in which elements are mostly incompatible  and that comes around once every however often…so I wish you smooth sailing, fair winds and following seas…THE TIME IS NOW…do something special tomorrow…for yourself…anything from a relaxing walk, to meditation, to thanking someone, to leaving life as we holy fools understand it…

Click below:
The Line Up

and see if you find anything interesting on this site:

the Shift events, etc.

Forget the Doomsdayers :)!

From Your Brains, Bones & Blood Vessels to Your Distributor Cap… Fish Oils

It’s a general archaeological truism that Africa is the cradle of humanity, but an interesting addendum has recently been theorised…there was a particular dietary constituent that appears to have fuelled the southern African groups who became artists and explorers and some of whom eventually fanned northward into the cooler climes.  Fish…lots of this real food of the gods.  Around the globe the evidence is mounting that coastal societies with access to lots of fish were bright, artistic and inventive; more so than their inland cousins.  The far northern and southern coastal groups also likely got more sun by the shores.  And have you wondered about the ‘crazy people’ who talk about spraying WD 40 on their rusty elbows and making their arthritic pains feel better?  It’s not bunk…  I’ll get to this.
Fish oils come from the oily fish; sardines, salmon, anchovies, herring, mackerel, cod or fish liver and now krill (whale food).  The fat soluble vitamins A & D come from the fish liver oils and then there are the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), essential because we can’t make them so we need to eat them.  These EFAs come from the skin and oily parts other than fish livers.  Recent findings suggest that we need more EFAs than we had previously accepted.  In fish, these EFAs are comprised of the long chain omega-3 oils, EPA and DHA.   No labels you’ve commonly seen write out the full names… eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.
Most cardiac physicians and internists in Jamaica now regularly suggest fish oils for the circulatory system and the beneficial effects on the joints have long been known.  It has also been newly publicised that your brains really need them too.  They are MAJOR brain conditioners, yes, against both dementia and Alzheimer’s too.  The archaeologists are actually calling fish ‘brain food’.  And what of our old friends Vitamins A & D?  Vitamin A is still critical for your eyes (comforting to know that this never changes from one minute to the next) but the story on Vitamin D has recently changed radically.  We need way more of it than was previously recommended.  Why?  A combination of factors including:

– People bathe with soap too often – twice per day is too much.   Use soap once per day.  If you must bathe more than once just do so under running water only and soap your “three armpits”!!  Soap washes off all the natural oils that the sun converts to essential Vitamin D.1

– People use too much sun block – sunlight is essential for the conversion of natural skin fats to Vitamin D, needed for absorption of calcium by bone, etc. and lack of Vitamin D will eventually result in bone calcium loss (osteoporosis).  By the way, sun block 15 gives you 95 % block.  Anything over that gives 100% sun block coverage.  Keep in mind, many of the sun block micro-chemicals & minerals are absolutely toxic and are themselves cancer forming.  You have to know which ones are okay to use, but this article is not about that story.

– Non-organic, commercial food quality has lost 50% of food value over the past century with genetic modification, depletion of soil nutrients & agri- & aquaculture methods unable to duplicate full nutritive value of feeds and fertilisers provided by nature.

– More indoor living – you get less of the sun’s UVA or B rays which convert the skin oil to Vitamin D.

Early last year I first came across the opinion that it’s harder to poison yourself on Vitamin D than was formerly thought.  A key Israeli researcher at a conference said he and his family gorge on 50,000 IU of Vitamin D per day!  Well, I think this amount is “nuts”, BUT guess what…practising oncologists I know and I use up to 5000 IU per day for cancer patients and those deficient in Vit D for whatever the reason and 2000-3000 IU per day is very good for anyone.  The active Vitamin D3 is what you’re after.

Concomitantly, the recommended time we should spend in the sun has also gone up – going from no more than 15 mins per day for those that live in the tropics and an hour for those that live farther north/south, to an hour a day for us tropicals and up to 2.5 hours for temperate and arctic types (please read as – exposure to UV light and remember I did not say go and roast yourself in UV cabinets which, when used MODERATELY and under a serious practitioner’s advice, can be very helpful).

As to the business of WD 40…well, its main substance is made from denatured fish oil and fish oils are anti-inflammatory for the joints.  In addition, the skin will absorb anything that is carbon chain based (like oils) if specific chemical ligands are not attached to the oil to prevent its absorption.  The denatured, anti-inflammatory fish oils soak in around the joints and make quite a few arthritic ones feel better.  Kindly note that I am not suggesting this as a formal prescription nor am I suggesting you consume it.  I’d rather you change your diet to fix your joints and spray the WD 40 on your distributor cap instead, inside and out, when you know you’re going out in bad weather so your car won’t shut off.  Remember too that WD40 is inflammable so do put out your cigarettes and be very careful of sparks in your distributor and electrical panels when you are using WD40!!  Flash burns are not uncommon with WD40.1

Okay, now what to do about taking fish oil supplements…?  I tell all my clients to “mix things up”.  Take oils from different sources so you get a more balanced mixture of EFAs and Vitamins A & D.  One month buy good old cod liver oil and take 6- 8 pearls per day.  Next month buy fish oil and take 3 big gels per day.  Next, pure salmon oil if you can get it and take 4 per day (these gels are usually smaller). Next buy krill oil and take an extra gel more than recommended on the bottle.  If you buy liquid oils take 1 to 1.5 tablespoons per day.  Why the mix up?  It’s one way of cutting down on the mercury issue and getting other micro-nutrients from one that another may not have.  You can also now get mercury filtered oils, but filtering always takes some good stuff out too.  Try and get the absolutely natural stuff, nothing added or ‘taken out’ with one exception, Vitamin E…a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory most richly found in plant material.  The manufacturers put it in fish/fish liver oils to improve its shelf life, but it will improve you too!   To tell the truth, I always tell my clients to not only do the mix of fish/fish liver oils as mentioned above, but also to add the flax, borage, coconut, sesame, olive, avocado and algae families of oils as alternates because these additional sources give you Vitamin E’s and plant omega-3s with none, or less (in the algae oils), of the toxins like mercury.  If you are already a DAILY imbiber of salmon, sardine, mackerel, herring and the plant sources, you can cut the above recommendations in half.  I am not saying fry or drown everything in oil…that tablespoon and ½ per day is IT for fat…period (okay, fling in 1 pat of butter if you like because the butyric acid is now said to fight colon cancer (!) and it has Vitamins A, if it’s really naturally yellow, and D).

Furthermore, there is also an issue which the various manufacturers and authorities rarely mention; heat and light oxidation of these oils.   Try to buy any fish/fish liver oil in dark glass containers that you cannot see through and keep all in the fridge.  As with all oils that are good for you, fish/fish liver oils do more harm than good if over heated or oxidised.  When your COSCO bottle with 1000 gels in it that you only take now and then has been sitting on your kitchen counter for 6 months or so and is smelling ‘high’… throw it out!  Oxidation of oils is really bad for you and it’s one of the reasons old fish smells bad even before it’s inedible.  Worse yet, the ageing oils absorb the toxins of the ageing plastic (if that’s what your container is made of) and create harmful substances in the form of too many oestrogen-like (female hormone) compounds.  Oestrogen overload is one of today’s poison plagues due to all the plastic containers in which we sell oils.

The benefits?  Fish oils are powerful cancer preventers (unless rotten and then they positively are a CAUSE of cancer).  In addition, these oils ensure better circulation, better brain power, less joint pain, less menstrual pain, less dizziness, less wobbly walking, less migraine and ease depression.  Not bad for a food source that we love to catch and eat but about which we remain environmentally negligent and too often wrongly say that it ‘kyaan dun’.


私たちの日本の友達のために、あなたが私たちのコーヒーを育てて、飲む 私たちのレゲエダンス競技会に加入する ( そして 勝ってください! ) そして あなた ドラマー 私が次のドラム祭で作動するKodoにドラマーを持って来て、のでちょうどあなたのためにポストを書くと思ったならいいのにと思う 連れて来てください  私はどのように日本語、スペイン語だけを話すか、読むかあるいは書くかという理解を持っていません!

ジャマイカ人&日本の人が多数でつながれて、珍しい方法〔道〕、いくらかの善、いくらかの悪いこと、及び私たちはお互いからのより更に多くを学ぶことができます。  それは土と生物学〔生態〕で始まって、そこから広がります… 私たちの国々はどこででも土のカドミウムの最も高いレベルを登録して、私たちのどちらの人口もHTLV病気に直面して、日本は私たちがそれを研究するのを手伝っています。

そして今良い物…  70年代にさかのぼると、アーニー・スミスがレゲエ歌競技会に出席して、勝って、それ以来レゲエが日本の若者に伝染しました!  私たちのブルーマウンテン・コーヒーに恋した時、あなたがクライトンにお屋敷と遺産を買ってあげて、自分たちのためにそれを育てて、…私たちのブルーマウンテンの最も良い輸出の80%を飲みます!

しかし私は2つの事〔物〕が欲しいです。  1つがその日本人〔日本語〕及び青年時代〔若さ〕が横切ることができたジャマイカ人でそれらの生命〔生活〕の2つの局面を受精させてください。  同じほど高度に鍛えて、日本がそうのように、そして私たちがかなり『構造なしで』いるのであなたの若者の何人かがジャマイカを愛していて組み立てた ジャマイカの私たちの若いジャマイカ人としての事実が悲しくて、同等に同じほど重要である 刑事犯罪の評点以下の生徒 構造と規律がないので。   生命〔生活〕は全ての締まりの無さと構造なしのはずがありません、しかし、多くの構造が気が滅入りすぎています。  日本とジャマイカには良い関係がいて、多分これは方法〔道〕で私たちがお互いを助けることができました。  ジャマイカ人が構造と健康的な自己修養にさらされて、日本人が来て、『そうの』方法を取り戻すことができる そして 『『ジャマイカ…で迷う』ことによってそれらの親たち及び祖父母たちをおかしくすることなしで気楽に』?

他の願いは、私たちが芸者の原理のいくつかを学ぶことができたことです。  それは、インドでカーマスートラが今HIVと戦うことに使われている同じ方法〔道〕でHIVと戦うのを手伝います。  考えは、私たちが男性と女性が性〔セックス〕の強調のない安全でエレガントで刺激的な方法〔道〕で相互に作用できる生命〔生活〕の他のエリアを開発できることです。

結局、日本のジャマイカの人は勇敢な精神です。 ジャマイカ人が単に集中することを学んで、日本人が彼らのものの代わりをする方法〔道〕で目標をそれらの国にセットする必要がある。  もしジャマイカ人が戦いを入れれば彼が終わりまで戦って、最善を尽くすがたいてい、もしジャマイカに住んでいれば戦うものを見ません。  私たちの運動選手たちはちょうど今新しい方法〔道〕をジャマイカ人に教えています。  規律と生命目標をたくさんの楽しみとお金と混ぜてください!

日本にハローと呼び掛けてそして特に溶融危機を工場〔植物〕に用意するのを手伝うために1つになったボランティアの核のエンジニア退職者の素晴らしいチーム。  素晴らしいです…  さらに、私は「こんにちは」と以前はジャマイカの製造に手を貸すのが常だった新日本製鐵に言いたいと思います。  ジャマイカが訪問した時、彼らは素晴らしい日本を私たちの重役たちに示しました。