Bald with Braces…

…but are you sure you’re ugly?  It’s Christmas and cancer, chemo, alopoecia, dermatoses, diet, age, thyroids/illnesses, allergies, etc. or not… if we can, some of us like to dress up.

True baldness is not for everyone as hair is a premier female beauty asset…but if baldness is temporary or permanent…try ‘accessorising it’!

1) Foundation has to be put from neck over entire head…use a good one or you might get an allergy/poison yourself…it takes lots.   Beautifully sculpted, well marked eyebrows, striking eye make-up and a very bright mouth, even go for a tooth whitening, wear knock out looking clothes … in other words, make it style and fashion! Think Nefertiti!

2) Get some fancy earrings … chandaliers or ones designed to follow all the curves of the pinnae or lots of elelgant piercings

3) Get a wig…think Raquel Welch’s wig charity

4) Hats and scarves

5) Wear a spiral neck ring/neck rings

5) Get into the styles and fashions of other nationalities to whom female baldness is beautiful.

And for those who would just love to have their hair back, don’t despair, check:

1) The above suggestions

2) Get into any of the trichologists’ offices

3) Get a weave, get a topical hair grower, get black castor oil, get silica, get your thyroids & hormones checked, go to the dermatologist, get counselling, change your diet, change your hair grooming practices, get counselling, change/change dose of your medication…be willing to work on getting better or accepting and planning…no overnight business ‘hair’.