Condition Yourself for an Active Life!

Coach Justin's new book

Long overdue, Jamaica is taking preventive medicine most seriously via sports medicine because we’ve suddenly found ourselves to be world class in this arena!  Here, finally, is a book by a Jamaican, sadly, up to now, always abroad as our best educated often are, but it’s a start.  The thing is, we need to get our 3 Rs up to par with out medal winning on track so that people like Mills and Bolt can write or help write and not be written for…that’s the thing!  Bolt himself says he’s ‘not a reader’ so there has to be two sides to every story…we still need Caribbean readers and writers!

So here it is! We’re at the start!   Jamaican Justin Cresser, a  football coach and strength and conditioning trainer,  has written ” Total Soccer Conditioning: A  Ball-Oriented Approach”

Money in Dormant Accounts/Unclaimed Bank Balances – Jamaica

I have helped encourage the Government of Jamaica, Ministry of Finance, to make available, for the first time, on a continuous basis, the dormant account lists of the commercial banks.  After 15 years, under Jamaican law, these monies go to the Bank of Jamaica and you must have proof it is yours in order to claim it, meaning, not  just regular account information and particulars.

We have a way to go in making the information useful, however, because right now the listings are by account numbers and not alphabetical name so you will have to have an idea of which branch an account might be in.  The first 2 numbers of the account at National Commercial Bank designate the branch, eg., 35 means Knutsford Blvd Branch.

Here is the link for the latest National Commercial Bank listing on the Ministry’s site. Click the link following, and then scroll down the list of links on the right hand side of the page to Useful Information section
Unclaimed Bank Balances, NCB

it will come up as a very slow loading PDF once you click the link (towards the very bottom of the right-hand column).

Below is a file for Unclaimed balance at The Bank of Nova Scotia & Citibank.  These files are not yet uploaded to the Ministry of Finance’s siteCitibank entry is the very last page in a tiny corner.

Bank of Nova Scotia & Citibank Unclaimed bank balances, March 2010

Let me know if you need further pointers, I’m trying to get info for the 3 other big commercial banks operating in Jamaica.


No one can charge you for your money, with the right credentials as proof of legacy or ownership it is yours for free but if you need help organising the paperwork and transactions that will help you get access to dormant money, we charge 6 percent of the sum in the account and a JA$ 3000 non refundable down payment.  If you need help let us know re decisions or actions concerning the banks, Mental Health Act, Administrator General or probate as your claim may go through one of these routes.

Las Cosas que me Encantan sobre Espana

Vamos a empezar con una lista de encantos sin ningún orden en particular: –

Noche Buena
violetas azucaradas (los verdaderos)
Cafe Vaiven
cosa seria cuando se trata de zapatos finos … los españoles le mira de ‘abajo arriba’ para decidir si viene de ‘algun parte’ :)!
chocolate con churros
Catedral de Santiago
Fast almacen alemán en la Navidad
la calle Serrano
Jamón Serrano
‘Jamaica española’ por Morales Padrón
pollo Asado y Cidre
jerez fino
aceite de oliva
acceso a Europa
Cafe Circulo de Bellas Artes
Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Antonio Banderas
Manitos de Plata
Carmen Amaya
Vinos Torres
Riojas Faustino
vinos de Rioja
siesta (aunque esto fallezca :()

Ahora, con verrugas y que sea,  considero este lugar como mi casa arquetípica. Camilo José Cela dice que es autofagico (me encanta/odio de La Familia de Pascual Duarte) y eso es la verdad, quiero decir de vistazo a su historial medioambiental con los hoteles grandes allí y en Jamaica, pero hay esperanza, ¿quién habría pensado que las corridas de toros se harian venido bajo el fuego y los Vinos Torres ha tomado en cuento, muy gravemente, la incorporación del “verdor” en sus prácticas de cultivo.  (Me disculpe la gente aficionada de la corrida, se que es ‘sangre de Espana’ esta actividad)

Y cuando todo esté dicho y hecho, tuve una vision que me ha marcado  para siempre y un sueño  ‘agro’ asociado sobre  Jamaica suroeste, la su zona todavia mayormente libre de crímenes en que gente  espanola  de mente ecológica y de comercio justo vengan y lo utilizen para cultivar la aceituna y la uva jerez y nos enseñen a hacer el aceite y el jerez. Te lo juro, si has visto las llanuras de Santa Isabel de Jamaica, y usted conoces  Frontera  y Andalucía, sabria que es un clon pequeño de las zonas secas espanolas del sur y por lo tanto ideales para la agricultura no tradicional …. y se puede imaginar el de mercancia!!??? Aceitunas y el aceite y jerez,  cosecha Marley/ Bolt!! Carcajada!!

Fruit, Veggies & Pesticides….Not a Love Triangle

Twenty-odd years ago while I was an Environmental Studies student at the U. of Waterloo, Canada; the faculty included Club of Rome types and consultants to the FAO.  They made predictions that have come true.  But they weren’t really predictions.  There was a pattern they realised was taking shape in an albeit philanthropic atmosphere.

After WWII, it became America’s personal mission to ensure all her people, and by extension the world, would not go hungry…the Great Depression had been replaced by the new wealth of massive creation of armaments.  The best brains on earth amassed from among former and new immigrants got together to turn ‘agro’ into ‘industry’ providing huge quantities of good inexpensive food for the baby boom.  Doing something Man has always done – fiddled with his environment – the first crops were engineered to bear in hardier climes and in shorter seasons & pesticides were proudly engineered from massive and relatively inexpensive crude oil stocks.  Remember that Dutch company, Shell’s fabulous ad with booming industry, populations and crop spraying aircraft swooping over vast plantations?  Wellllllllll… things are not so rosy now…

Having supplied themselves and the entire world with quite high quality cheap food and the model for creating it…a kind of addiction has set in … in America…food and the power you can wield with it has become a mega billion dollar business and whole populations and the health of all 7 billion of us is now at stake.  Quality and plenty for all is no longer the driving force behind agro-industry… power and wealth are the new drivers.  ‘Plenty’ has to do with filling coffers regardless of filling stomachs.  Between soil depletion, over-selection of given crop gene pools and the organo-chemicals of fertilisers and pesticides, it is estimated that the nutritive value of our food has dropped about 50% since the 1800s.

Grains are the simplest of our foods and therefore the easiest to engineer.  We now have Monsanto creating Roundup weed killer and engineering the grains to match!  This new grain’s sales manifesto calls it ‘Roundup ready’ because it has been genetically engineered to withstand the pesticide that would ordinarily kill/damage all growing things.  Monsanto has had no care about how these crops intermingle with non-roundup ready ones via winds, insects, etc., and when autonomous farmers raise objections they are silenced.

Fruits and veggies are a more difficult prospect for GMO engineering, it’s easier to handle them from the pesticide end.  These chemicals are largely organic chemicals designed not to wash off and have high soil and root penetration.  Therefore merely rinsing fruit and veggies is no longer going to help us get rid of these poisons, the wash must be a gentle natural solvent (some specially made for the job …or soap…yes, soap…like Dr. Bonner’s) on whichever has the type of surface that can be washed, & some scrubbed, followed by a thorough rinsing.  Not only do the pesticides directly affect us and the fruit – as faux estrogens, there is now evidence they are involved in the wave of obesity sweeping many countries – other victims include bees which are dying in worldwide droves.  These insects are being decimated by bacteria, viruses and pesticides that directly kill them or weaken their immunity to the microbes. You therefore get less and less healthy food crops with decreased biodiversity due to less pollenation. Keep in mind too that there is a grey area with potatoes and some sprouting crops which, even if not sprayed with pesticides, have growth retardant applied.

So what to do?  Know, for example, that some foods are pesticide reservoirs, like raisins and ground gourd fruits, e.g., melons and pumpkins.  Try to buy organic versions of these comestibles.  Buy green leafy stuff with holes in the leaves.  There is either less or no pesticide on them so the bugs can eat them too; perfect leaves often mean pesticide application.  As far as possible grow and buy organic.  You help yourselves and the environment.  Keep in mind that as the ‘developed’ countries discover the dangers, both personal and global, of some really dangerous pesticides, they get dumped in the ‘developing’ world to minimise profit loss.  Get with the SLOW Food Movement…organic, fair trade, reduced carbon footprint…

Mother & Daughter – A humorous synchronistic take on the archetypal relationship, karma & fractals

To what extent do daughters escape/not escape maternal influence?  My mother/me:  in Europe on honeymoon feeding pigeons/on the other side of ‘the Pond’, speaking at a health conference, acknowledging the condom.  Karma plays out within the metaphysical memory & progression of Universal Mind.  There is absolute infallibility, and often humour,  of synchronicity in telling psychological, temporal and historical  tales.  When I saw the picture of me, it rang a bell and I remembered the, to

Synchronicity, Fractals, My mother & Me

me, iconic photo of my mother (my father to her right, cropped & no one beside me, cropped :)).  She is not left-handed.

…And is the common ‘m’ for mother and capitals for ‘My’ & ‘Me’ a Freudian riot or what?  I roared & left the ‘error’.

Her dress & matching shoes & bag were the bees knees…

The Continuing Paradox of HIV – the Midwest Caribbean Assoc HIV/AIDs Awareness Day Points the Way to the Next Stage of the Challenge

HIV has always hit where it hurts the social conscious most. It runs parallel, like no other health condition, to the ills of society and our personal lives. My association with it has been an odd one – an issue that circles back into my consciousness at regular intervals.

I first knew of it when I was studying nursing and the school did a great job defusing the bomb – it was an illness that was more likely to cause us to do harm to our patients than they would likely do harm to us. I was involved in the first research for HIV nursing policy for the NYC Health & Hospitals Corp. Barrier nursing and move right along… so I never had a morbid fear of it, just respect. Then I had a boyfriend in New York who had a crack addict brother and in those days (late 80s) they were still sorting out the dangers of tears and saliva so I decided to get tested. The lab personnel back in Jamaica wanted to know why someone like me would want to get tested…apparently this still happens in some places even today. Next, I took on the HIV education of our surgeons in training at the request of their consultant. Then I left it behind a while …until med school. Before entering, I went to a convent to pray about the rightness of my decision to take up medicine rather belatedly. Kneeling in front of a statue of Mary (the Catholic representation of the ancient goddess archetype), I got this message, clear as day, “The generative force of the universe has been bastardised”. I knew it referred to HIV, STIs & abortion, but what was I supposed to do with this knowledge? I still don’t know. Then …the day…as a senior student helping out a nurse suffering from ‘short-staffedness’, I stuck myself with an IV needle while trying to canalise an obtunded patient with AIDS. I had forgotten one part of my universal precautions and recapped a needle. I remembered the rest; bleed, wash with soap, get on therapy within 2 hours, draw baseline blood, report to consultant. Fear and the ART nearly killed me, inflamed kidneys, dizziness, nausea, starlights in my abdomen, yeast…at day 11 (the earliest theoretical day seroconversion could occur), having talked to 3 mentors and returned to the convent, I made my peace with God and discontinued the therapy I should have been on for 1 month. I tested at 3 mons., 6 months and the year. Negative. To date, Jamaica has had no conversions from needle injuries. I left it behind again and then almost by luck of the draw, got invited to the Chicago Midwest Caribbean Assoc.’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day to present the Jamaican situation. I thought I’d seen and heard it all… but not like this.

First of all, I recalled Carolyn Myss’s book, Anatomy of the Spirit …HIV is a disease of victim mentality…is her thesis. There it was, the population that day was a range of full Caucasian to full Negro and everything in between and we were American Negro or Caribbean immigrant any and everything. A minor representation of American Caucasian in positions of power matched and superceded, in this forum, by non-Caucasion people in power and no Australoids or Mongoloids. Mongoloids present a paradox. One group, the Asians, were not present because their social structure is strong enough to preclude high rates of HIV and another group, the Native Americans was absent because it is so marginalised that it was not represented at all. Therefore, a near exact ethnic map of maginalisation was manifest. The main speaker of the day made the essential connection. To live with, beside or inspite of HIV, you have to take the chains off your brain. All ignorance, intolerance, prejudice and judgementalism has to die first…which led me to the real eye-opener.

The degree of interracial, interethnic, international interaction; tolerance; candour and live-and-let-live is something I’ve never seen the like of before. Personal horror stories are the norm, rites of passage are inescapable, ‘overcomings’ are astounding. There was mild and gentle side by side with militant and wild, each had its role and place. The interpersonal discomforts were acknowledged by some and put aside by all in the name of the cause. Everyone had sacrificed time and money to be there.

I saw and heard who had been cheated on, who born with it, who had had wild sex, who had come from the gutter and jail to the pastorship and married heterosexually on the way, after having a years long same sex relationship…all the dirty laundry of our real lives was on parade with forgiveness and acceptance. Previous rape, incest, abuse and addiction of the challenged was the common path. An entire generation has now grown up with HIV/AIDS and our national experiences are as similar as the details of these experiences can be stunningly different. Women are getting the short end of the stick everywhere, but IV needles will never play a part in one country. The more Negroid the population in the Americas the more HIV, but where any ethnic or racial group live in marginalized circumstances, rates are comparable with the exception of the Australian Australoids…they are blessedly and paradoxically marginalised enough that they have no extra exposure and virtually aren’t represented in any forum.

…So is this what HIV is here to teach us…? That we are more/better than the physical manifestation of our beings? …And what a comment that we needed such a lesson…  Furthermore, suffice it to say, when I get a new diagnosis to deal with, should they need it, I automatically give them 3 months sick leave for medication adjustment time.

As the Midwest Caribbean Assoc points the way to the next stage of the HIV challenge, this is how I symbolize the transition and some interesting connections I made:





The Midwest Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Town Hall Meeting-Chicago

A complete Franco-Hispano-Anglo Americas Caribbean Panel
HIV Town Hall Chicago on CAN TV

The wonderful Franco-anglo-hispanic panel I sat on

My panel is ‘four videos long’ on my Youtube channel, OnlineJamaica.
With the kind assistance of the Midwest Caribbean American Association, I was here on a panel to bring a perspective directly from one of the English Caribbean territiory’s governments and its foremost learning institution, The University of the West Indies.

Two of the the day’s events were documented in seven 15 min videos on Youtube and below is the 4th in the series – the first pertaining to the panel in which I took part. It was such a good feeling being part of something so universally Caribbean – I’d never been to a forum in which all the Caribbean’s base cultures were represented – GREAT LEADERSHIP on the part of the Midwest Caribbean Assoc.  We need FAR more of it, in every sphere & walk of Caribbean life!  The other play list documents David Robertson’s presentation (3 videos long) – a quite remarkable young  man & HIV/AIDS survivor. He got me, first and foremost proving to me, Carolyn Myss’s theory that HIV/AIDS is a disease of victims…this young man has left the victim role…and most look like him once they’ve turned their barks on the victim role…sometimes it takes a long time and some never make it…but those who do, laugh, smile are smart & warm & reach out way beyond themselves. And we uninfected people really buy into the victim business because I remember being stunned at what those who were leading happy, fulfilled lives looked like despite the expected percentage who succumbed to the cushingoid habitus.  There was even a happy-go-lucky little fellow who was 23 and diagnosed at 2 years…it’s with us People, we could as well all ‘get with the programme’!  Real love and respect and safe sex…




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Worth Your Weight In Gold? The Wealth – Weight Connection

The connection between weight and wealth is ancient and can range from the personal to the global context.  There are always four variables to the grand equation, FAT, THIN, PLENTY, SCARCITY and through the course of history the relationship between these 4 has changed.

In the beginning… the first currency was salt, a mineral nutrient without which we die.  To measure wealth you sat on one side of the scale and salt was used to balance the scale.  You were very wealthy if you could balance your weight with salt in your possession.  As WoMan ‘progressed’ and his/her ability to amass resources became great enough; the first use of ‘disposable income’ arrived when gold could be used to buy salt and replaced salt as a measurement of wealth.  A wealthy person now became ‘worth his weight in gold’.  This was the primordial disconnect between directly consumed resources as wealth as they were replaced by inedible/non- life sustaining resources like…gold.  Think of it this way…if you were stranded on a desert island…what is more useful, a directly useful food/resource… or gold?

From history we will move to the global relationship between weight and wealth and finally to the personal aspects of the weight and wealth relationship.

Globally, as time went on it became obvious who was wealthy and who not, only rich people could amass enough resources of any kind, including food, to become fat.  In many cultures from Africa to Tonga and always during wartime in any culture the wealthy and sought after ….are fat.  The patricians of Rome invented the vomitarium, the ultimate excess.  Therefore, by the ‘natural order’ FAT and PLENTY went together and THIN and SCARCITY went together.  Many gods and goddesses are portrayed as fat because fat implied prosperity and fecundity.  Below a certain weight, women cannot reproduce.

Enter the mores of the modern Euro-American world and this relationship between the 4 variables is pitched on its ear.  Now it’s ‘in to be thin’ in this culture (give or take the fact that you should still have big boobs and a fat rear end…after all, we must still have our signs of fecundity!)  After WWII when America, full of goodwill and the best brains on earth, decided that none should starve, all manner of well intentioned farming and food producing machinery and the beginnings of agrarian genetic manipulation took off.  Now many people could pay small amounts and eat well again and it was still very good food.

People no longer had to grow resources to be able to eat and eventually there was enough amassed wealth to again pay top ballerinas, jockeys and female athletes to make livings by becoming ‘barren’ as they kept their weights to aerodynamic requirements.  I say ‘again’ because just before the war during the Depression, this kind of fast life ‘beauty’ became connected with disposable income and for the first time, those living in scarcity  had the strange paradox of going hungry and being emaciated because of it, while the wealthy OPTED TO BE EMACIATED.

Then something really sinister happened, the agro food industry discovered that all food could be grown and processed more cheaply and that the easiest foods to grow and manufacture cheaply were ‘the staples’ …sadly, our main sources of energy …the sugars and starches.  Fruit and vegetables are comparatively difficult to grow and process on a mass basis and fall by the wayside as fortunes are made speculating and genetically manipulating grains.  But wait!  Fruit and vegetable farming can be optimised, manipulated into hardier varieties …with less nutrient value.  So now everybody can be fed inexpensively with food that is cheaper to grow and manufacture and thus the agro-industry profit margins soar. The increased profit margins and amassing of cheap grain allow us to further concentrate food production into rearing animals we can eat.  This new food malnourishes the population, especially as those experiencing income scarcity go for cheaper, sweeter food and the fat rendered from grains and animals.  The governments of the ‘developed’ world also learn that you can even manipulate crops and food as a way to control the ‘developing’ world and keep it supplying the ‘developed’ world with resources that allow the wealthy to become wealthier.  Here we now have a bizarre switch; FAT is related to SCARCITY and THIN is related to PLENTY because those who can afford it are now eating expensive, healthy organic food and less fat.  These wealthier people are more educated and read about what is good for them and use their resources to buy the best for themselves.  The dieting industry now takes off as fat poorer women look at thin wealthy models and treat their weight and health like yoyos.

So where does this leave us personally?  First, food is always a part of celebration, next and wrongly, it is used as an incentive by many to get what they want from others. Rich countries to everyday mothers resort to it.  Plenty of food and variety is still associated with wealth, though not necessarily the eating of it.   One of our primary survival reflexes is the suck reflex, related to the comfort and warmth of the breast when we are babies.  ‘Food’ (really, cheap fuel in most cases) is very easily available now and it all pans out as follows.  The natural order was that under stress the animal’s appetite decreased, it lost weight, true for human animals too.  NOOOOOT ANYMOOOOOOORRRREE…now, in the ‘developed’ world we can use cheap food to soothe our suck reflex when we feel deprived.  In years gone by you couldn’t very well feel depressed and then run up the nearest honey tree 30 miles away, 40 feet in the air, fight swarms of stingers and then sit there sucking honeycomb!  Now we punch the coin into the snack machine in the hall and start ‘sucking’.  Have you noticed that when you of the ‘civilised’ world are happy, fulfilled, have lots of happy sex and rest, hugs and massages and plenty of social life and stimulation generally, including easy access to a variety of  healthy food…you lose weight?  I did.

But it gets weirder, in today’s world, we can feel so crazy we can feel like we lose control of our lives and everybody and everything around us,  but there is still one thing we can utterly master …ourselves…even punish ourselves and starve ourselves into anorexia and bulimia to prove ‘we still can’…but ‘can what’…?  Control the fact that your mother was alcoholic and you have bad relationships because of it?  It’s a terrible mess at this point and the poor self-esteem creates the worst habit of being stingy with yourself – to the point, even, of starving yourself to death.  Keep in mind companies that want a wealthy profile don’t hire fat people.  Finally, weight is being connected to health in a non-judgemental and scientific way and some hospitals are considering not hiring overweight staff in order to set an example and cut down on the increased sick days of unwell, fat people.

So for a good life, in our somewhat complicated developed world, try to stimulate and allow yourself to feel prosperous by affording yourself good company, enjoyable recreation and fun, enough rest and quiet and work at something you like.  When you prepare food, take the Japanese approach; make it look gorgeous and ‘wealthy’…lots of colour and variety.  Be Spanish and take 2 hours to eat it…i.e., take time to eat and do this and nothing else in good company.  Make sure you buy yourself a ‘sugar bun’ now and then (my term for a literal sugar bun or that glass of champagne, good meal at a restaurant, the dress you know will knock them dead, etc., etc.).  Appetites and drives get mixed up in the ‘civilised’ world…we feel deprived or stressed, we have the ‘luxury’ of ‘sucking’ bad food…we’re too tired…we eat, we’re sexually inactive…we eat, we feel worthless…we eat.  Try to separate your wants and appetites and satisfy what’s really ‘eating you’.  Buy the dress; go for the walk; drink coconut water; buy the fancy wine; get the physical stimulation – sex, hugs & rock & roll; go and rest, tell the bad relationship to naff off…  What you feel is often not hunger so don’t give it food; learn to feel what your body is really saying.  It is deprived of something, it feels scarcity of something …rarely is food the right answer in providing the ‘wealth’ you need.  When you do feel hungry eat and enjoy …never scarf down due to hunger, stress or panic, realise there will be more when you need it…  Time teaches you this and I learned it.

My own passage went something like this; I met a skinny, funny little man when I was fat due to sexual and social discontent.  He thought he looked wonderful at his end of the scale so I decided I looked wonderful at mine.  Next came the business of exercise; I found ‘luxury’ swimming and feeling light and then the ‘wealth’ of a free sauna in the student sports complex and a walk home in the soft snowy night all bundled up.  Then I plateaued, I still ate too much unhealthy food.  Then came work at a hotel when everything under the sun, healthy and unhealthy was available 24 hrs per/day.  I found I loved the healthy food and ate only that in small frequent amounts, 5 small meals/day.  The weight peeled down… there was a ‘wealth’ of choice and amount never ending.   Finally, as a med student, I discovered pro-biotic, organic, SLOW food (as organic as possible and as near home grown as possible) and never looked back.  For our ‘convenience’ generation, it is not cheap re time or your pocket and it is the main standard by which I judge my immediate income situation and also take into account that I help the planet when I eat SLOW…you might have a different yardstick.  Take into account the ironies that as we come full circle, the wealthy, including Obama and Prince Charles have staff who grows their private organic kitchen gardens and whereas Castro once cut down the majority of Cuba’s fruit trees to ensure ‘communism’, Cuba has now discovered the fortune to be made in organic farming (but they cut corners!) and Dominica has declared its entire island organic.  When you ‘eat your own’ or ‘SLOW’ you reclaim your wealth so if you can, grow a kitchen garden with heritage seeds (not Monsanto’s GMOed stuff which is now 90% of the world’s saleable seed) or eat from the wild plants and trees around you.   …There is a connection between weight and wealth…

Below is the knock out, drop dead, gourmet, SLOW food, ‘amuse geule’ menu of a restaurant which, except for some haute cuisine & foreign bar items, uses home-grown/made food as organic or near organic as  possible and found within at most a 4-hour drive from the premises.


Motto: Guiltless Indulgence

Jamaica's National Fruit

New Book – Erotic Literature

The Brown Phoenix: An Erotic Dialogue from The Indies



I have recently edited what I believe to be some of the most beautiful and psychologically valuable erotic writing I’ve read in many years.  If you are more reserved re your sexuality, this book is not for you.  However, if you would like to partake of a very honest and explicit spiritual, psycho-sexual self analysis, this is a beautiful book written equally by a man and a woman.

This is my foreword and book cover below that.

This writing is cathartic and intensely erotic.  It is excerpted from 10 years of a couple’s personal correspondence.  During my sessions with the man, this ruthless self-expose was revealed to me and it was evident that the catharsis had ascended the realms of Art.  He expressed an interest in publishing as will be seen during the discourse. When asked why, he said he believed it would help other people come to terms with their own psycho-sexual spiritual selves and, tongue in cheek, he claimed he has exhibitionist tendencies.

I was convinced to assist because I think he is right on all counts.  It has been a privilege and challenge to edit, and still leave intact, the raw power of this naïve, erotic art.  Great Art has many levels and no one person can say art is great, that determination is made by a ‘mass’ of perceivers, but I can say that this art is between good and great.  I determined to help push it up the ladder and add an element common to all great Art, the ‘abstract’.  I have not created the story between X and Y or a literal, chronological correspondence.  Hopefully, the abstract envelope in which I have set this work allows access to tiers of readers – the purely sexual and the Erotic.  People are born one or other and I’ve found my role seems to be that of easing erotic people through life because their journeys are often more challenging – they ‘think-feel’ more.  I hope I have done this folio justice.

Men certainly feel intensely and deeply, but few I know have all four of the other prerequisites for producing stuff such as you are about to experience – the inspiration, the gift of expression, the ability to transcribe it and the will to manifest it.  The partner has gifts of her own; she is the man’s love and together they have created art of more than one kind.  I believe writing like this is committed by writers who have no option but to commit it.  And Art inspires Art.  The fourth piece, ‘After 50 Years’, was inspired by the woman’s re-telling of an excerpt from Arundhati Roy’s “The God of Small Things”.  Shades of Scheherazade…

In the ‘developed world’, the work also exposes a paradox for western popular culture because although the dominant voice is male, it is not the controlling entity.  That role belongs to the female half of the partnership whose permission to publish was granted.

The Sexes appear as they do in nature, opposite and complementary with roles and attached social mores sometimes blurred.  As with all such writing, expect to see/enjoy/ recoil at your own emotional life as you read this relentlessly honest mix of poetry and prose.  Any evolutionary advantage of such emotions is still largely a mystery… and tell me you don’t recognise Kali in the epilogue.

S. Lowe

Original Cover Photography: “The Phoenix” by Vojko Kalan
Copyright © Vojko Kalan @PublicDomainPicture